The gymnasium at Ecole Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys was transformed into a Museum last week as Grade 4/5 students put on Une Nuit au Musée. Based on the 2006 film A Night at the Museum, the play follows Larry, the newest museum security guard who attempts to keep the museum exhibits under control after realizing they come to life at night.
Timothy played the role of Larry and said it was his first time acting.
“At first I didn’t want to do it, but now I know I’m pretty good at it and now I like it!” he said.
All of the Grade 4 students played roles in the play with some doing double or even triple duty. Laine played the narrator, a caveman and a lion.
“I liked playing the caveman best. I like making people laugh so when I said ‘Unga Bunga’ it made a lot of the little kids laugh,” she said.
The class put on two performances, one in the evening for families followed by a daytime performance for the entire school. During the matinee performance two dance scenes had all the children clapping and moving alongside the actors. Timothy said the evening performance went great as well.
“It went good lots of them were laughing and they clapped after every scene, I thought it was good,” he said.
Besides learning their lines, students also helped design and paint the backdrops as well as put together costumes. With such a large set to create Laine said they also borrowed a few backdrops from previous plays and even borrowed costumes from other schools.
Both students agreed that it was fun to be a part of something they’d never tried before and really enjoyed acting for the first time.